Friday, January 23, 2009

Bill Clinton Inauguration Speech

Bill Clinton gave his first inaugural speech in 1989, he spoke about making a better America and how we had to make it the number one country in the world. Although there were going to be obstacles, we could make it. Bill Clinton had a clear vision for what America could be. Part of his speech declared, " This new world has already enriched the lives of millions of Americans who are able to compete and win in it. But when most people are working harder for less; when others cannot work at all; when the cost of health care devastates families and threatens to bankrupt many of our enterprises, great or small; when fear of crime robs law-abiding citizens of their freedom; and when millions of poor children cannot even imagine the lives we are calling them to lead - we have not made change our friend." Bill Clinton knew that we could make America the greatest nation this world has ever seen, but we had to make changes in our health care, our children's education, and our economy.
Clinton warned about health care and how if we didn't make it affordable people were going to suffer. When Clinton left office, none of us were prepared for what was going to happen. We were ahead of all the other countries when it came to technology, the college admittance level went up and our economy was booming. Today, China is beating us in getting Universal Health care. According to, "A communist country steeped in internet censorship, the oppression of organized religion and running a black market medical economy where you can buy "donated" organs for illicit transplants has actually beat the United States to the global line of universal health care." While the United States trails behind in universal health care, every other country seems to be giving it to their citizens. Clinton advised to help the health care problem because it is devastating families, but so far there are no signs of universal health care in the United States. The United States in not only trailing in health care however, US Education is taking a big step back as well.
The college entrance level in the United States is getting lower and lower every year. With the economy getting worse and people looking for an easier way out, people are not giving college much of a second look. According to the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, "Only 70% of all students in public high schools graduate, and only 32% of all students leave high school qualified to attend four-year colleges." Meaning that most kids that are going to school are not ready enough to go to college. If kids are not ready enough to go to college, they will most likely fail and because of that less and less people are getting through college. If less people go to college, less people are prepared to take on this changing world and they are less likely to have high end jobs that will develop their skills. The United States needs their children to do well in school and go to college because we need to keep up with the times and the speed of the globe. We need to keep up with other countries because the other countries are making bold moves to become the next world power. The lack of education is mostly due to the collapsing economy.
"Nonfarm payroll employment declined sharply in December, and the unemployment rate rose from 6.8 to 7.2 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. reported." The unemployment rate in the U.S. is going down drastically everyday. People all around the United States are victims of the unemployment crisis. Mothers and Fathers all around are not able to provide for their family, they are having to resort to things like welfare and food stamps. Not only are people not able to provide for their family, they are losing their homes. The foreclosure rate in America is the highest it's ever been. Banks that are both big and small are going bankrupt. Most companies in America are in danger of going bankrupt or having to layoff people because of their bad economic state. Clinton warned us against all of these things, but it seems that nobody listened.
In Clinton's inauguration speech he warned against our health care, our countries education, and our economic state. It seemed that we refused to listen, now we're behind in getting universal health care, we have really bad education system where children are not prepared enough to go to college, and we're having the worst financial crisis since the 1930's. We need to listen to the signs that are given to us because if we don't, we will be in trouble.

Aversa, Jeannine. "The Associated Press: Layoffs spike, housing tumbles; outlook worsens." Google. 23 Jan. 2009 .

" Employment Situation Summary ." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 23 Jan. 2009 .

Greene, Jay. "Education Working Paper 3 | Public High School Graduation and College Readiness Rates in the United States." Manhattan Institute. 23 Jan. 2009 .

1 comment:

esther19 said...

One thing that strikes me about the content in this blog would have to be that Clinton was talking about how they had to make health care affordable, and how now Obama is trying to do the same because the cost of health care is rising and people cant get the treatment or medicine that they need when thy get sick because they cannot afford it.

Her writing is very good and consistent with he thesis she stays on topic in the order that they are in her thesis, the few pieces of evidence in her blog make he whole essay work together, she has a good way of incorporating facts, and hen being able to go back into her own writing(analyzing).

Umm there is not to much I have to say about her changing anything on here maybe just be careful of grammatical errors, and try and put in a little bit more of your insight ino your writing, go a little more in depth on your thoughts about this.

I don't have any question about her essay I thought it was really good and I liked it a lot