Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mi Declaracion de Artista (Numero Dos)

1. Thesis Statement:
The Caution sign shown in the painting is accompanied by a quote from Bob Dylan's Chimes of Freedom. Immigration has always been an issue in the United States, in Chimes of Freedom Dylan describes how immigrants are coming for a flash of freedom. Immigrants go through a social, political and economic rollercoaster, often times going down instead of up.

2. Immigrants are often socially discriminated against because of what they wear, what they listen to, what color skin they have, what kind of accent they have and most importantly, where they come from. Bob Dylan was part of the Civil Rights movement, he sang the opening song at Martin Luther King Jr's I Have a Dream speach. The Civil Rights movement in the 1960's was a big social issue, much like immigration is today. Both the civil rights movement and the immigration issue have been a big social problem. Some people believe that immigrants have little to no future. Because immigrant children cannot apply for Financial Aid or for any other kind of grant from the government, it's nearly impossible for them to go to college even if they've been living in the United States their whole lives.

Politically, immigrants have no rights, they have no say in what happens in the country they are residing in, and they are used as a scare tactics to many other Americans. When people come to the United States, they come to find freedom and a chance for a better life, they do not expect to be treated the way they are. Dylan always spoke of how the government uses people in unfair ways and how the people have to rise and overcome some problems they may face. While Dylan protects minorities, politicians try to make them a scare tactic. Many politicians try to make minorities a threat so that the people who are not, will vote for them, and believe that they are safe.

Most times, immigrants come with little to no money in their pockets, they come with only one thing on their mind, the chance to make their lives better. When they are given jobs they are given jobs with little pay and no kind of benefits. When my mother came to this country, she was fourteen, had no money on her, she was with a stranger and she had nowhere to go when she got here. Bob Dylan was never a person who went for the underdog, with his voice and his lyrics he gives the opportunity to show what underdogs go through for a chance for justice and freedom. I believe that the immigration movement is part of the civil rights movement because they are fighting for civil rights.

3. Immigrants have been suffering for years, whether they be social, political or economic problems. When Bob Dylan writes his lyrics, he thinks about other people, he takes the side of the underdog and he truly writes about how people are being affected by the injustices in the world.

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