Monday, November 24, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What are you discovering so far?

So far I've learned a lot, I've learned how water affects the surfers and how many different kinds of diseases or infections they can get. I've learned that the infections happen quite frequently and that if we don't do something now, the water's going to become worse making it impossible to get into the water and it will also lower the amount of money that San Diego gets because it will lower tourist rates. I've learned a lot about how to avoid getting these infections and I've learned what we as people can do to help the ocean.

What surprises you about this project?

Not a lot surprised me while researching my project, except for how severe some of the infections got. I didn't think that because of contaminated water you could get things such as Hepatitis or liver infections.

Recycling Tips

What are your next steps to have a cool product and a great piece of writing?

I'm going to interview some people at the Break room in pacific beach on Thursday and I'm going to both interview people from Surfrider and film them while filming the part where I'm talking/my written part. By Saturday I'll be done filming and by two weeks I will have all the editing done. So I plan on writing a really good script and having people check over it, I also did a lot of background research, so I hope that it will be enough to get some good questions for the interviewees and for the script.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hispanics in the 2008 election

The Hispanic vote went up dramatically in 2008. Many Hispanics decided to vote for Barack Obama and because of this, some believe that it helped Obama win. Obama's campaign set out to gain the Hispanic vote, they encouraged hispanics in Nevada, Colorado and New Mexico to vote. Because of their efforts, their numbers went up dramatically. In Colorado, the numbers went up by 9%, in Nevada and New Mexico the numbers went up by 10%.

The clout of Latino voters, who helped clinch the election for Barack Obama, is expected to grow in coming years.

While in the 2000 and 2004 elections Hispanics voted for Bush, this year they leaned more towards Obama. Most assume it's because Obama made more of an effort to reach to hispanics. Hispanics voted in huge numbers this year and because of Obama's effort to reach to them, they voted for him. Being a hispanic myself, I've heard a lot of people speak about voting for him because they believe that he actually has them in mind and that he's going to do something in this country that's going to directly affect them.

The Wall Street Journal says that Hispanics may soon become the deciding vote in many swing states.

Friday, November 7, 2008

My Project Models

Here is an interview with the CEO of the Surfrider Foundation, although I hope to be more professional than the man conducting the video, the premise is the same.

The Union Tribune put Donna Frye in the "Hot Seat" and asked her a lot of questions.

Here is the link to the Interview.

I plan to make my interviews more casual and more understanding for all people. I want to make it so that all people understand what is happening, and get new information out of my interviews. Like in the above interview, it is very casual, too casual for me, but it does have important information that is shared. In the other interview with Donna Frye, it is asking her about her plans with water and how she plans to improve San Diego, I plan on taking many tips from both these interviews.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Water, Questions and Elections

How are local San Diego surfers affected by contaminated ocean water?

Resources I need are: bacteria results from Pacific Beach, I'm going to need to contact Surfrider, Coastkeeper and several other surfers in the San Diego area. I'm also going to need a camera, a tripod and a way to get to every location.

I'm going to need to interview:
Donna Frye, Skip Frye, people in the Breakroom Surfshop, People in the Tourmaline parking lot, people from Surfrider, Pierre Rivet, and several doctors in the Urgent Care located in Pacific Beach.

Thursday: Put finishing touches on questions for both surfers and for doctors.
Friday: Ask Randy for help on making the questions good enough for actual interview
Weekend: Put together a list of things to do for the following week and the following interviews.
Monday - Friday: Conduct interviews with the people listed above.

On November 4th the next President of the United States was decided the American people. Here are my thoughts:
Well before election day came I had decided that I was a supporter for Barack Obama, simply because I believe that he can take care of major concerns today. I believe that he had a better plan for the economy and that he was really in it for the middle class. I thought that if McCain was elected, he would give major tax breaks to big oil companies and already rich CEO's. Obama spoke about giving tax breaks to the middle class and giving them their money's worth, giving the middle class health care, education and giving them an affordable America. I was a little surprised when Obama won because I looked at the screen one minute and it said that he still needed about 30 or 40 votes to get the 270, the next minute, he was over by about 20. I didn't think that he had already won until I saw people celebrating in Rockefeller Center on CNN. I was quite sad when I saw McCain take the stage in Phoenix because right then you could tell that he really wanted to become President, you could tell the tears in his eyes and you could hear the crack in his voice. Overall I was pretty happy about the result of the Presidential Election.

In the next couple of years I hope to see more job opportunities here in the United States and I hope that the American Dream will still be alive. I hope that every young person in America can strive to be a college graduate, not just a clerk at the local supermarket making ends meat. I hope that no matter what skin tone you have, no matter how much money you have and no matter how old you are, you will strive to become a better person. I hope that in the next couple of years we will have a better education system and we will have a good, healthy, working economy.

I have no concerns yet, but I'm going to be keeping a close eye on the economy and how it's going to improve.

and Yes, i realize, it's spelled Humanites.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Clean Water Project

For my clean water project assignment I am thinking of doing:

1) Having an interview with different surfers in different locations such as Pacific Beach, Imperial Beach, Mission Beach and several other beaches to see how their health has been affected since the end of water testing by the city.

Surfrider and Coastkeeper are doing their best to keep our beaches clean, so I want to see if surfers have been affected by the lack of testing by the city.

Surfrider San Diego
CoastKeeper San Diego

My second idea is:

2) Checking to see Crystal Pier and seeing how it's being affected by the lack of city water testing, it's already the most polluted beaches in San Diego, what's going to happen if nothing is being done to help it?

What can we do to help Pacific Beach, the most polluted beach in San Diego?

Beach Water Quality