Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Describing The Presidential Debates

The Lincoln Douglas debates were about three hours long while the 2008 presidential debates were only an hour and a half long. The Lincoln Douglas debates asked 1 question and allowed time for rebuttals while the 2008 presidential debates gave one minute to answer the question and about 30 seconds to rebuttal.
Many people watch the presidential debates because they allow them to see what each candidate is bringing to the table and what he plans to do for our country. This presidential election is going to be very important because we are in need of a new president. We have on of the worst financial crisis' ever, we have two wars going on and we have many angry citizens.
Both candidates are trying to convice people that they are the man for the job and that they are the ones that can get it done sccessfully. They want people to vote for them and sometimes it makes people think that they will say anything for a couple of votes.
Both candidates point fingers at each other saying that they will increase taxes, make it harder for citizens to get healthcare and they say that they don't believe that they can solve the financial crisis.

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