Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Bloggie Reflection

Randy's making me answer questions.

Question number 1: What are you most proud of on your blog?

-Personally, I'm really proud of the fact that I have some kind of media on every single blog that I post. I really like the fact that I put my personal opinion in everyone of my blogs. I really enjoy the fact that I find interesting stories that are at least somewhat important to the whole country. Most of my topics have something that can relate to people. Such as my Hurricane Katrina entry and my stock market crash entry.

Question Number 2: What will you improve during future blogs? Why and How?

-I think that I will improve my writing and I will add more on how my blogs connect to the class. I want to make it more obvious as to how my blogs have a direct connection with the class and what the subject is. I want to add more things and make my writing stand out more. I want to add more personal opinion but also back it up with facts more. I need to add more things, better pictures, more videos and an all around better blog. Even though I do believe that I do get good articles to do my blogs on, I think that I can add more things to my blog and make the article even better. I also want to start putting in updates on some of the older information that I put on here.

Question Number 3: How has blogging impacted your understanding of the U.S., the media, current events, and "old news"?

- I think that starting to blog has made me understand whats going on in the country and it has actually helped keep me updated on what's going on in the country today. I learn more and more about what kind of things that the country goes through, what kind of controversy, what kind of gossip and what kind of topics are floating around. I get a much deeper understanding of how important the government really is and for the first time ever, what it really does. I also learned that the media isn't always right and sometimes they put out more of an opinion than a true fact. I've learned that most things that are going on right now in politics goes really far back into old documents such as the constitution and the declaration on independence. I learned that most topics now and days will go back and have the same kind of arguments that they would have 300 years ago.

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