Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Judicial Review

In 1908 there was a case between Marbury and Madison. John Adams who was a president that was leaving appointed many people to new positions as to let them still be in office while he was gone. He meant to send out many letters but he didn't get a chance to send them all out by the time Thomas Jefferson took office. When Jefferson noticed what Adams had done, he put an immediate stop to the mailing out of letters. Jefferson told Madison to stop sending out all of the letters. One of the letters happened to belong to William Marbury. Madison was one of Adams' men but since he was the one that didn't send out the letter he was the one that Marbury sued. When the trial was taken to the supreme court Marbury argued that under judicial review he was allowed to get a writ of mandamus. It was granted to him and he got his position.

Background information.

Now the U.S is refusing the bill that would give the government billions of dollars to fix the stock market. There is no apperant reason as to why they are refusing the bill, but it does have something to do with Judicial Review. It seems that many laws have been switched and gives certain powers to different branches of government.

Bailout Plan Rejected- Supporters Scramble

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