Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Judicial Review

In 1908 there was a case between Marbury and Madison. John Adams who was a president that was leaving appointed many people to new positions as to let them still be in office while he was gone. He meant to send out many letters but he didn't get a chance to send them all out by the time Thomas Jefferson took office. When Jefferson noticed what Adams had done, he put an immediate stop to the mailing out of letters. Jefferson told Madison to stop sending out all of the letters. One of the letters happened to belong to William Marbury. Madison was one of Adams' men but since he was the one that didn't send out the letter he was the one that Marbury sued. When the trial was taken to the supreme court Marbury argued that under judicial review he was allowed to get a writ of mandamus. It was granted to him and he got his position.

Background information.

Now the U.S is refusing the bill that would give the government billions of dollars to fix the stock market. There is no apperant reason as to why they are refusing the bill, but it does have something to do with Judicial Review. It seems that many laws have been switched and gives certain powers to different branches of government.

Bailout Plan Rejected- Supporters Scramble

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Bloggie Reflection

Randy's making me answer questions.

Question number 1: What are you most proud of on your blog?

-Personally, I'm really proud of the fact that I have some kind of media on every single blog that I post. I really like the fact that I put my personal opinion in everyone of my blogs. I really enjoy the fact that I find interesting stories that are at least somewhat important to the whole country. Most of my topics have something that can relate to people. Such as my Hurricane Katrina entry and my stock market crash entry.

Question Number 2: What will you improve during future blogs? Why and How?

-I think that I will improve my writing and I will add more on how my blogs connect to the class. I want to make it more obvious as to how my blogs have a direct connection with the class and what the subject is. I want to add more things and make my writing stand out more. I want to add more personal opinion but also back it up with facts more. I need to add more things, better pictures, more videos and an all around better blog. Even though I do believe that I do get good articles to do my blogs on, I think that I can add more things to my blog and make the article even better. I also want to start putting in updates on some of the older information that I put on here.

Question Number 3: How has blogging impacted your understanding of the U.S., the media, current events, and "old news"?

- I think that starting to blog has made me understand whats going on in the country and it has actually helped keep me updated on what's going on in the country today. I learn more and more about what kind of things that the country goes through, what kind of controversy, what kind of gossip and what kind of topics are floating around. I get a much deeper understanding of how important the government really is and for the first time ever, what it really does. I also learned that the media isn't always right and sometimes they put out more of an opinion than a true fact. I've learned that most things that are going on right now in politics goes really far back into old documents such as the constitution and the declaration on independence. I learned that most topics now and days will go back and have the same kind of arguments that they would have 300 years ago.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ron Paul on the Economy

Did Ron Paul predict what was going to happen?

Did he know that one of the biggest financial crisis in America was coming?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Stock Market Advice

Article Title: Wall Street Worst Loss Since 2001
Author: Stephen Labaton

: In the last couple of weeks something is trying to be done about the financial crisis we're in. Henry Paulson has asked for 700 billion dollars to fix the financial crisis we find ourselves in. While the stock market is crashing and the government has officially started to help out and bail out companies, my opinion stays the same. I believe that the government should only step in somewhat. The government should not have a full say in what happens to this countries financial issues, they didn't have a say in where people's stocks went and so they shouldn't do anything about what happens when the stocks go down. People chose to do things the way they did and they should not depend on the government; they should not look to the government as a life vest.

While the economy goes down, Bush tries his best to tell everyone that the decreasing economy at the moment is only temporary. He says, "In the short run, adjustments in the financial markets can be painful — both for the people concerned about their investments, and for the employees of the affected firms. In the long run, I’m confident that our capital markets are flexible and resilient, and can deal with these adjustments.”

My advice to quickly slipping economy is this, let the government interfere slightly. The government should not have full control over the stock market. If the businesses fail, they should not depend on the government to take them out of their problems so quickly. Tax payers should not always have to pay for a business' mistakes. However, if the business effects everyone and needs to be saved, it should be.
Businesses should be conscience enough to know that they can't let out that many loans, but they should have a better understanding of the whole situation, they should know that thousands of people are depending on the fact that they need their business to do well.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

“Education is obviously not the issue Senator McCain spends the most time on,”

Title: McCain Calls for Limited U.S. Role in Schools
Author:Sam Dillon

John McCain wants to increase teachers wages if they show that they are doing a good job by showing that their kids have higher test scores. He believes that the federal government should have a limited role in public education. He would make it easier for students who are failing to get tax-payed tutors. He wants to make some changes to the No Child Left Behind act but does not yet want to let out specifics. He would make the government check the tutors to see if they were up to par, and if they are, he would let them directly market to parents.

My question is, if McCain does is not very concerned with public education, and wants the government to have a limited role, why does he get to handle the money? He wants to spend the money differently, for more bonus pays, instead of having more supplies for schools.

Write own gun laws

Original Title: House Committee Bill Would Let D.C. Write Own Gun Laws
By: Mary Beth Sheridan

At the moment, hand held guns and rifles are not allowed in Washington D.C. but that changed when the Supreme Court ruled against it three months ago. They would allow D.C. officials to write their own guns laws within 30 days. Some are afraid that it would increase the risk of another terrorist attack. Most would want the law to change the law so that you can have weapons in your own home, but you can't take them outside. Most say they only want guns anyway to have a way of self defense.

I believe that it would be a huge risk if hand held guns and rifles were allowed in the United States, but I do believe that it is their right to have a gun because it is in the Constitution. I agree that residents should only have the ability to have the guns in their homes and not be allowed to take them outside where they can be a hazard.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's all about who gets the most votes?

During the republican national convention only one African American is scheduled to give a speech. There are only 36 African American delegates out of the 2,380. Some say that they are frustrated by the lack of diversity at the convention. Other's claim that minorities are against republicans because of what happened with hurricane Katrina and the fact that Obama is running for president as well.

With all of these numbers going around, i feel that it is more of a game then anything else, it's to see who gets more votes and who appeals to what kind of audience. It's no longer if you enjoy what the person's ideas are, it's about what they can say so that they can sway you to vote for them. I feel as if though just because you might be a minority and you may be young, your vote will obviously go for Obama; and if you're older and white, your vote will go for McCain. It's an all out brawl to win the presidential election, but who knows if everyone's promises will be kept.

Article: In A More Diverse America, A Mostly White Convention

Author:Eli Saslow and Robert Barnes

Evacuees safe?

People that were evacuated from New Orleans only days ago were allowed to come back today. The mayor announced that residents were allowed in if they could show identification showing that they were truly were residents of the New Orleans area. They are letting residents come back even though Louisiana officials are saying that it is too soon to return to the area. If residents do choose to come back, they will have very few resources. Some that have already come back are spending hours looking for a working gas station. Even though there are some gas stations open they do not believe that their supplies will last long.
Original Article: Evacuees Return to Power Outages.
Original Article By: Jacqueline L. Salmon and Dana Hedgpeth

Click here for original title.

With all of the problems surrounding the return of evacuees, why risk their safety and let them come back? Most of the city doesn't have electricity which means that they do not have the means to return. They don't have resources, so why take a chance and let the residents return?