Monday, February 22, 2010

Nathan Lewis Reflection

At first I didn't understand Dr. Lewis' presentation. There was a lot of talk about power units and different complex things that I have yet to understand. Dr. Nathan Lewis also spoke about our use of coal and our dependency on other fossil fuels. I learned that coal was very abundant and very inexpensive so if we want a change to be made, it's going to be hard. Another thing that I found interesting was that even though China and India's populations are going up exponentially, the reason why their CO2 emissions are going up is because they're taking up our kind of energy lifestyle.
Dr. Lewis said a lot of things that actually made me wonder how lucky people feel. There are so many signs directly showing that we have an impact on the environment. We can see that Coral's are bleaching, that glaciers are retreating, sea levels are rising, wildfires are increasing, and so many other signs.
There are three carbon free powers that we could explore, nuclear, carbon sequestration - CO2 burial and renewables. He said that we need cheap solar fuel, and with the information that he gave, I agree. It seems as if it would be a big initial investment but it would pay for itself in the long run.

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