Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Magazine Reflection

1. What went well for you during the process of creating this magazine?
The process overall was good for me, it made me understand what is done in the professional world as well as understand how to work with others and take their advice. I knew how to work with indesign a little when I started but as time went on, I learned a lot more about indesign. I took a lot of advice from other people and because of it I believe my project looks a lot better and it looks a lot more professional.

2. What challenges did you face as you moved from an early draft or idea to a final product?
I wrote a whole new article, so I went through about 12 drafts before I believed it was ready to be in the magazine, there were a lot of tweaks made everywhere and during the whole experience. I also had to change things like my pictures and I had to make them different because they had to be black and white as well as change in size.

3. What other examples of work—student and professional—stood out as exemplary and served as a good model for your own work?
I really enjoyed Evan's layout and I really liked Sydney's layout, I tried doing something similar to Evan's layout but it didn't quite work out. I used the Atlantic as a professional example. I tried to do similar headline pages and sub-headlines.

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