Monday, March 30, 2009

Honors Blog

1. Huck Finn is about 13 years old, t he doesn't have an excellent posture. Jim is a big man that was almost traded for being so big ahe is quite thin because he doesn't eat a lot and he's always running around. He's about the average size of an 13 year old, he's not too tall but he's not short. I'm not quite sure about Huck's posture but I'm sure that he's strong. He's really big and he usually sits around on the raft because he can't go out during the day time, they only travel at night because they don't want to get caught. The duke and the king are different, the king is an old skinny man while the duke is a younger man, they're isn't a lot said about what they look like except the king is an older man.
2. Huck has dark short hair, I believe he has brown eyes and he has no prominent scars. Jim is a big black man that doesn't have too many prominent features, he has black hair, he's big, black and strong. The duke and the king are small and manipulative. They appear a more respectable type, but the truth is that they are manipulative men that don't care about what other people have to go through as long as they get money out of it. They are the quintessential
3. Huck Finn has an old timer way of dressing, he wears the long white shirts and he wears the pants with the suspenders, he only wears that when he's in town, when Huck is on the raft with Jim he doesn't wear any clothes, both Jim and Huck believe there is no reason to wear clothes. I don't remember them ever talking about Huck's shoes, but I'm sure that they weren't the nicest. Huck wears a hat and he always carries around a pipe because he's always smoked. Jim also wears old clothes that isn't always the cleanest, he wears the long shirts and every time I see a picture of him drawn he has overalls on. He doesn't necessarily care about what he looks like and he is usually naked when Huck and him are on the raft, while they're on the raft they are both naked because they both feel as if though they are more comfortable like that, if they fall into the river, they don't take as long to dry because they are naked. Like Huck, Jim usually has a pipe on him and I believe that he as well has a hat. The Duke and the King are usually dressed because they don't feel as comfortable around each other as Jim and Huck do. The king and the duke usually try to dress better when they are in town to make a good impression, they try to con people so they have to dress a certain way, they have to look respectable. When the duke and the king are on the raft they dress more casually because they don't have to impress anyone.
4. What distinguishing behavior does the character have? Include habits, preferences (music, food, literature, etc.), speech (sayings, stalling words, etc), and demeanor.
In the beginning of the book the widow tries to turn Huck into a responsible citizen, however Huck runs away with his father and soon runs away from his father as well. Huck is responsible for himself and for that reason he never tried to learn anything new. Huck did not have the best vocabulary and he wasn't the most articulate but he was more articulate than Jim. Huck also didn't have the best manners, he always spent his time going out and didn't really have time to go to school. Jim never went to school, he had no education and it wasn't necessarily needed for him. Jim was the widows slave so he didn't really need to know anything except how to work and what to do around the house, he was more street smart, he knew what to do and he usually had really good ideas. He was a very compassionate man, he always took care of Huck as if he were his child and he missed his own children very much, both his wife and his children were seperated and that made Jim quite depressed some of the time, sometimes Huck would find Jim crying in the middle of the night. The duke and the king said that they were really into important things such as saying that they were into plays like Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet, they said that they were into Shakespeare's plays because they wanted to put a more sophisticated front up. They wanted to seem more educated and impressive because they were supposed to be a duke and a king.
Huck Finn was "the lowest levels of white society", since he didn't have a set home and he didn't have an education, he wasn’t thought of highly at all. He had an abusive drunk father who was never around and he didn’t care about being civil or people respecting him. Huck liked smoking out of his pipe and he liked going around in his raft, it seemed as if though he also liked dressing like a woman, maybe not liked it, but he seemed to do it quite often. He knew how to steer a raft pretty well and he didn’t seem to mind being on his own, he was also really good at lying. Jim was a respectable man and he had a lot of good ideas, he had ideas of looking sick and not letting anyone get close to him because he was a runaway slave. Jim didn’t really know anything but being a slave until he left and he joined Huck on his trip. Jim was very superstitious, he believed in snakes being bad luck and he had a lucky hairball. Overall, Jim was sometimes gullible but he always had Huck’s best intentions at heart. The duke and the king however, did not have good intentions for anyone but themselves. They did not think of anyone as a person, they thought of them as a part of their scheme. The duke and the king spent the remainder of their lives trying to trick people into giving them money. They tried getting money from unsuspecting town people, from the Wilks sisters and from more town people, until they were discovered. They were mere con-artists.

Huck didn’t really have a religion or philosophy; he was a unique boy because although he was white and had a social life with the white people around him, he did not believe in turning in his good friend Jim. At that time it was not acceptable for him to not turn in Jim because he was a runaway slave, because of that, it’s easy to believe that Huck thought for himself and sometimes disagreed with the morals that were around during that time. Jim was very superstitious, he believed that if you touched a snake skin it was extremely bad luck and something really bad would happen, when he was a slave he believed that he had a hairball that would bring good luck or could tell the future if you would roll it, people from all around would come to see the “good luck hair ball”. Because Jim was so gullible and wasn’t as capable in believing in his ideas, when Tom Sawyer came around, he went along with all his crazy ideas that took him a long time to get out of the hut he was stuck in. The duke and the king had no moral standards at all, and for that reason they were always tricking people and making a fool out of themselves. At the Wilks house they almost got hung because they were lying about being Peter’s brothers and taking all of the money. The duke and the king had no moral standards and because of that they didn’t get far with their trickery.
7.The book says that Huck is a boy that doesn’t want to be “sivilized”, he’s comfortable with the way he is and how he’s lived his life. Huck doesn’t want to go to school and he’s gullible. He enjoys the company of his best friend Tom Sawyer, which isn’t always a good thing. The book says that Jim is quite gullible and that he doesn’t do the best job at thinking for himself. Jim really tries to be the best person he can be, whenever he sees Huck he always treats him compassionately and he calls him “honey” and gushy things like that. Jim always wants the best for people. The book says that Jim is a man that only wants to find his kids and wife and be happy. The book says that the duke and the king are poo-heads that don’t know anything but to scam people into thinking that they’re respectable people that will help them in some way, but in the end they get discovered and they end up getting hung.
8. What connections does this character have to history, established religion or the world beyond the book?
9. What does the character's name suggest? Authors rarely (if ever) name characters at random. What could the name symbolize? What evidence do you have for this?
10. How does the character develop during the plot? How does he/she change?

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